Tuesday, November 26, 2013

The old cats

are not enjoying the kitten experience in this establishment.  But the medicine chik and the food chik are a good time and we are having fun!

Sunday, November 24, 2013


Spleen here again, El is whirling around all Batsnatch crazy out her mind and says I should say hi, and put a picture of her up.  So here we are.


I'm Spleen.  They also call me Batshit, because I am but there is just so much fun to have, and so many things to smelp.  And racing around the house with my sister Elenore.  We try to play with the big cats but they are not having it and we get bapped upside the head a lot.

This is me:

Hi, We're New Here

and the foodchik and the medicine chik both say we are not the sharpest penguins in the box.  We think we like penguins because the eat fish like us.  We have a foodchik and a medicine chik, and a Puppy the cat, and a Shark J. Butt the cat.  And Atom Boy, Mustache Girl and Tater.